Zeebrugge Terminal House Rules
Updated - October 2024
Terminal Details
Leopold II dam 13,
8380 Zeebrugge,
Operations Department - +32 50 54 22 60 / freightgate.zeebrugge@poferries.com
Security: visitor control & contractors - +32 50 54 22 79 / security.zeebrugge@poferries.com
- Speed at the terminal is max. 30km/h
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) is compulsory
- Full IMDG and ISPS regulations apply
Safety & Traffic Regulations
- Everyone (visitors and personnel of the vessels moored at the pontoons) access the terminal at their own risk. P&O Ferries cannot be held liable for injuries and for loss or damage of properties and vehicles.
- Keep this brochure with you at all times during your visit to Zeebrugge terminal.
- P&O Ferries reserves the right to stop work due to security or safety concerns without being liable for any economical consequences.
Safety and security regulation are handed over at the first access to our facilities. Everyone must follow instructions and safety and security measures. Failure to comply with the regulations can result in the removal from the property or a permanent ban from entering again in the future.
ISPS and Access Provisions
- Every visitor must be registered.
- Identifcation (valid ID document) is mandatory for anyone who enters the terminal.
- Visitors must notify their arrival 24-hours in advance.
- Registration takes place at the freight or security office.
- Access will only be granted to the part of the terminal required for the nature of the visit
- This site is under CCTV surveillance 24/7.
- The minimum age to access the terminal is 18. It is only possible to allow minors if agreed by P&O Ferries management.
- Parking is only permitted in designated spaces.
- Apply stickers to the export units according to the IMDG code. Make sure to remove the labels that do not apply anymore
- In case of emergency, follow staff instructions
- Access gates and transit roads must be kept free.
- Safe walkways, emergency equipment and infrastructure (like extinguishers, hydrants, emergency exits, ...) must be kept clear at all time.
- All incidents or dangerous situations must be reported immediately to the internal emergency number +32 50 54 22 79
- It is mandatory for everyone on the terminal to act in a safe manner to assure their own safety.
- The traffic plan on this brochure must be followed at all time. Violations will result in sanctions.
- It is forbidden to drive onto the ramp of ships during operations without informing the foreman on duty.
Work by Third Parties
- Any work from third parties company needs to be notifed and approved in advance. Without a work permit, access to the area can be denied.
- To access the vessels moored at the pontoons (for work, visit and inspections), it is mandatory to inform P&O Ferries and the vessel master in advance in order to receive formal authorization.
Prohibitions and Restrictions
- It is prohibited to be in possession or under the infuence of alcohol or drugs. Police will be involved in case of criminal behaviours.
- It is prohibited to stay overnight.
- Listening to music, use of headphones or other devices that isolate you from your surroundings are forbidden for safety reasons.
- The use of mobile phones is prohibited in operational areas.
- Never obstruct entrances or exits.
- It is prohibited to pollute or abandon trash in any part of the terminal.
- Smoking or open fre is prohibited.
- Pets are not allowed.
- No passengers are allowed in the entering trucks. Only one driver for each truck can access the facility.
- Unless upon agreement with P&O Ferries management, taking pictures or recording videos is not allowed.
- It is prohibited to break seals of trailers/containers at the terminal.

PDF Handbook - Download Here